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Sapphire Strategies is the leader in building robust digital programs for Democratic leaders-- from Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to Julián Castro for President, to Governor John Bel Edwards.

Our team is 100% women-led and 45% people of color.
We limit the number of clients we bring on to ensure that you get dedicated attention from experienced staff.
Together, we will build you a digital program that is
one-of-a-kind -- creative, flexible, timely, and data-driven.
Let’s build your brand, fund your campaign, and win your race together.

2021 Reed Award Winners -
Best New Firm

Re-elected John Bel Edwards, a Democratic Governor in Louisiana,
for the first time in 40 years.

Increased Julián Castro’s donor base from 5,000 to nearly 200,000 donors, qualifying him for the Democratic Presidential Debate Stage.

2020 Pollie Award Winners -
Best Digital/Internet Campaign

Transformed Speaker Pelosi's digital operation into a multi-million-dollar powerhouse, increasing her
fundraising by 800%.

Designed and targeted the digital ads that flipped Wisconsin for Joe Biden in 2020.

Led the digital program that elected the first
Latino Senator in New Mexico in over 40 years.

Raised more than $52M for Democrats
in the 2020 election cycle.

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